Original Oil Paintings by Artist Suzanne Poursine Massion - "Leaning Oaks"

"Leaning Oaks"

Item #L07105
Suzanne Poursine Massion
Leaning Oaks Framed Setting
A possible installation.
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“Painting on site is wonderful if Mother Nature is with you. She was this day. The sky was blue, the air was still, a late summer sun cast shadows across the oaks. You may ask, ‘Why do oak trees lean’? The wind does it over time and often trees must bend to reach the sun.”

Suzanne Poursine Massion
Leaning Oaks
Oil on medium texture artist canvas.
Painting size: 6"H x 8"L
Leaning Oaks Framed
Shown in a possible frame.
This painting is unframed but matted to an 11”H x 14”L size.
It has a single 100% cotton rag mat with an acid free backing.